Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor‘s ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi‘ released on Friday and it benefitted hugely from the Cinema Lovers Day offer. The film managed to have the fifth highest opening of the year after movies like ‘Fighter’, ‘Shaitaan’ and more. It had an opening of Rs 6.75 crore, however, it saw a drop over the weekend.
The real test of the film was to come on Monday but it has managed to surpass that test with a decent hold.It saw a drop of 60 percent from the Sunday collection which was around Rs 5.50 crore net. On Monday, it made a total of Rs 2.25 crore according to early estimates. According to Sacnilk, the total collection of the movie in the last 4 days is Rs 19 crore now. By the end of the week, it is expected to do Rs 24 crore. Due to positive word of mouth, the film was held decently on Monday and one hopes it’s the same in the coming days as well.
Meanwhile, it’s not facing any major competition from any movie as of now. ‘Munjya’ is set to release on January 7 and if it has some good quality content, being a visual experience belonging to the horror comedy genre, it may pose as a competition to ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’.