RUDRAPUR: A couple from Udham Singh Nagar was arrested on Friday for allegedly extorting Rs 2.5 lakh from a man by threatening to release explicit videos of him. Vaibhav Agarwal and his wife, Babita alias Vidhi, from Shiv Colony in ward no 17 of Khatima, posed as journalists and invited the victim, Pandit Jagdish Chandra Joshi, a retired teacher, to their home under the pretence of conducting a religious ceremony.
In his complaint to the Khatima police station, Joshi said the couple offered him milk laced with intoxicants, causing him to lose consciousness. “They made an obscene video of me and have been blackmailing me ever since,” he said, adding that they took the money and an expensive phone from him after threatening to release the video.
Senior superintendent of police (SSP) Manikant Mishra said Vaibhav was named in a similar case last year which is still pending in the district and sessions court. An examination of the couple’s phones revealed other incriminating videos. “During questioning, they admitted to exploiting people under the guise of journalism and RTI activism. They face charges for extortion and blackmail, with further investigations underway,” Mishra said.