PUNE: In a case of animal cruelty, a mother-son duo were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly killing their eight-year-old pet Labrador in Pirangut’s Nikate Vasti. The incident triggered widespread outrage among animal welfare activists and citizens.
The incident also caught the attention of politician Aaditya Thackeray, who took to social media expressing his anger. “I am shocked beyond words to see how humans can behave this way,” Thackeray posted on X, urging Pune police to take strict action against the perpetrators.
Senior police inspector Santosh Girigosavi of Paud police station said, “Prabhavati Vinayak Jagtap first assaulted the Labrador with a stick, causing severe bruising. Then her son, Omkar Jagtap, hanged the dog to death using a rope. The two were arrested following an FIR filed under various sections of law.”
The accused have been booked under Section 11(1)(a) and 11(1)(AL) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, along with Section 325 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), which specifically criminalises killing, maiming, poisoning, or rendering animals useless.
Padmini Stump, an animal activist with Mission Possible Foundation, filed a complaint in this regard. She said, “The accused had contacted an animal welfare volunteer earlier, claiming they needed to rehome the dog due to restrictions in their new society. When told to wait for the rescue team, they threatened to kill the animal,” Stump told TOI. Before volunteers could reach the location, the duo had already executed their threat.
“What makes this case particularly heartbreaking is that the dog was old, but healthy, and had been with the family for eight years,” she added.
A mother-son duo in Pirangut, Pune were arrested after allegedly killing their eight-year-old pet Labrador, causing public outrage. The dog was assaulted and hanged, despite earlier attempts to rehome it.