BENGALURU: Sandalwood actor Darshan’s girlfriend Pavithra Gowda instigated and conspired the murder of Chitradurga resident Renukaswamy S, the prosecution told a magistrate court in its remand application on Thursday. The actor used his aides and supporters to execute the crime, dispose of the body, and get others to surrender to own up the crime, the court was told.
While seeking police custody of Darshan, Dhanraj alias Raju, Vinay V, and Pradosh citing eight reasons, the prosecution claimed that Pavithra’s role as the prime conspirator has been established. The prosecution said Darshan and three others weren’t cooperating with the probe and had to be questioned further.
On Wednesday, police recovered Rs 37.4 lakh from Darshan’s house and Rs 3 lakh from his wife’s residence, and they need to find the source of the money, the prosecution added.
According to police, Darshan had made calls to many people after the incident on June 8 and they needed to find out more details. Darshan had given Rs 5 lakh to accused Vinay and Deepak to pay Keshavamurthy to surrender before police. Keshavamurthy claimed that he had given the money to one of his friends. Police said they need to recover the money.
Actor Darshan, his girlfriend Pavithra Gowda and other accused in the Renukaswamy murder case were produced in a magistrate’s court Thursday