More than 200 former Lok Sabha MPs, who are yet to vacate their official accommodation in Lutyens’ Delhi, have been issued eviction notices. They have been asked to surrender their bungalows at the earliest so that allotments to new members can be expedited, sources said.
Former MPs are required to vacate their official houses within a month of dissolution of the previous Lok Sabha.”Since the deadline has been breached, notices have been issued. If the ex-MPs fail to vacate, eviction process will start and teams will be sent to the addresses,” said an official.
While Lok Sabha house committee allots accommodation to MPs, the directorate of estates under the Union housing and urban affairs ministry allocates bungalows to ministers. Sources said so far no bungalow has been allotted to new ministers.
More than 200 former Lok Sabha MPs, yet to vacate their official accommodation in Lutyens’ Delhi, issued eviction notices