Union Communications Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia told reporters on the sidelines of an event that mobile phone penetration in the country stands at 70-80 per cent of citizens and that some 120 crore devices are currently in use.
Scindia told reporters that the priority now is to increase the scope of the 4G network in the country. Talking about made in India technology in telecom industry, Scindia said that for the first time, India has created a 4G stack with indigenous technology and based on it efforts are being made to take the coverage to 100 percent.
The minister also revealed the plan to enhance and promote the services of the postal department.What Scindia said on taking over as telecom minister
Scindia told reporters that the priority now is to increase the scope of the 4G network in the country. Talking about made in India technology in telecom industry, Scindia said that for the first time, India has created a 4G stack with indigenous technology and based on it efforts are being made to take the coverage to 100 percent.
The minister also revealed the plan to enhance and promote the services of the postal department.
What Scindia said on taking over as telecom minister
Taking over as Union Communications Minister last month, Scindia said that life has come a full circle for him. Scindia’s ministerial journey started as Minister of State for Telecom, Post and IT under then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh-led UPA-1 government.
“It is also a little bit like coming full circle for me. I worked as a junior minister in this department many…years ago in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Therefore, for me, it is also a department with which I have had tremendous emotional ties,” he said.
During his first term as telecom minister, Scindia is said to be instrumental in driving post office modernisation with the Project Arrow scheme.