MUMBAI: Actor Salman Khan, who has been allegedly facing persistent threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, while recording his statement before the crime branch expressed his frustration and exhaustion over being targeted for a crime he claims to have already suffered greatly from and paid fines imposed by various courts.
The gang has been targeting Khan since 1998, when he was accused of hunting chinkaras near Jodhpur while shooting for a movie.
The city crime branch, probing the case in which two shooters fired at Khan’s Bandra residence on behalf of Bishnoi on April 13, recorded the statements of Salman Khan and his brother Arbaz Khan on June 4.
Navi Mumbai police recently arrested another faction of the Bishnoi gang that allegedly planned to ambush the actor near his Panvel farmhouse. Police sources said Navi Mumbai police will need to record the actor’s statement too.
City crime branch arrested Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, and their interrogation led to the arrest of five others, one of whom, Anuj Thapan, died by suicide inside police lockup. Crime branch sources said city police are in the final stages of filing a chargesheet and recorded Khan’s statement to build a stronger case.