A handwritten prescription by an MP doctor has gone viral recently. The prescription reportedly written by a doctor practising at Rogi Kalyan Samiti in MP’s Satna has illegible, crooked lines. It is dated September 4, 2024.
In the now viral prescription, one can only read the alphabet ‘W’ and numeric ‘255’. According to reports, the prescription has been written by Amit Soni who prescribed medicines to 46-year-old Arvind Kumar Sen complaining of body aches and fever.
In the now viral prescription, one can only read the alphabet ‘W’ and numeric ‘255’. According to reports, the prescription has been written by Amit Soni who prescribed medicines to 46-year-old Arvind Kumar Sen complaining of body aches and fever.
Take a look at the viral prescription
According to some media reports, a notice has been issued to the doctor by the Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO), seeking an explanation.
Internet reacts to the viral prescription
As always, the internet could not keep calm and reacted to the viral prescription hilariously. “He is Writing in Tushar Kapoor Language 😂😂,” one user commented. “Maybe it’s written: “Kuch bhi de do. Profit aadha tumhara aadha mera”. Which prescription has a totalling divide at the bottom?,” said another.
“In India too, prescriptions should be printed like in foreign countries. Why write it by hand? Just type it, print it, and give it to the patient,” said a third. “The licence of such a doctor should be cancelled,” commented another user.