AGRA: A newborn girl was allegedly sold by her father for Rs 56,000 to a childless couple at a private hospital in the Gangiri police station area of Aligarh district allegedly to tide over financial distress. The matter came to the fore after the baby’s mother filed a police complaint, following which police, after scanning CCTV footage, detained the father, Charan Singh, 40, and the couple who bought the baby girl.
Anita Devi, 36, from Arni village, gave birth to the baby girl five days ago. Shortly after birth, the baby disappeared, causing chaos in the hospital. Despite extensive searches, the girl could not be found. Later, Devi informed cops.
According to officials, the father of the newborn was burdened by debt and hence, he sold the baby to a couple. However, after the mother raised an outcry, the couple returned the baby to her parents. Subsequent to the child being recovered, police released all the accused as the mother gave a written statement refusing to pursue legal action in the matter. SP (rural) Palash Bansal said, “Settlement was made by both parties outside the police station and no case filed.”