
Samaje Perine: Travis Kelce lateral not scripted, gotta keep your head on a swivel

2024-10-08 17:40:03 Running back Samaje Perine hasn’t been a member of the Chiefs for very long, but he’s been around…

5 hours ago

Mamata Banerjee is ’lying’: Ally Congress’ Adhir Ranjan says Bengal CM’s big claim on NITI Aayog meet ’scripted’

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee walked out of a NITI Aayog meeting on Saturday after she was ‘unfairly stopped’…

2 months ago

BJP lists reasons for poor show in Lok Sabha polls in UP: ’Less destined, more scripted’

A month after the Lok Sabha elections 2024 results, Bharatiya Janata Party's task force submitted its report to Uttar Pradesh…

3 months ago