ALMORA: In the aftermath of the tragedy in Almora, where a bus plunged into a gorge, a...
RUDRAPUR: A couple from Udham Singh Nagar was arrested on Friday for allegedly extorting Rs 2.5 lakh...
BAGESHWAR: A rare sighting of a peacock in the mountainous regions of Bageshwar in the Kumaon Himalayas...
ALMORA: Villagers in remote areas of Uttarakhand have begun installing signs prohibiting outsiders from purchasing land, fearing...
Published September 16, 2024 Pacific Group’s Mall of Dehradun held a festive fashion fair titled ‘Festive Tales’...
International fashion and retail business Apparel Group’s India arm has recently brought a range of global brands...
RUDRAPUR: A 28-year-old man was arrested in Rajasthan on Wednesday for the allegedly raping and murdering a...
Eyewear and eye care business Lenskart has launched a brick-and-mortar store in Dehradun to connect with shoppers...
Value focused fashion and lifestyle retail chain Easybuy will launch its first brick-and-mortar store in Dehradun. Designed...
Balenzia, a leading socks brand has expanded its retail footprint with the launch of a new store...
DEHRADUN: Five trekkers died after a 22-member group lost its way in the mountains due to extreme...
2024-06-02 02:37:05 DEHRADUN: At 43.2 degrees on Friday, Dehradun faced the hottest day in May in the...