Actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala on Thursday morning announced their engagement with a traditional ceremony held at the star’s Hyderabad home. Chaitanya’s father and Telugu superstar Nagarjuna shared the news in a post that read, “We are delighted to announce the engagement of our son, Naga Chaitanya, to Sobhita Dhulipala, which took place this morning at 9:42 a.m.!! We are overjoyed to welcome her into our family.”
Interestingly, the South Indian heartthrob made headlines in 2022 when rumours began swirling about his equation with Sobhita, while he was still married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a union that fans dubbed as a ‘match made in heaven’. However, both Chay and Sam remained tight-lipped about the rumours and instead called for a quick separation and divorce.