In ‘Scarlet Heart Ryeo’, Hae Soo, played by IU, finds herself mysteriously transported from the modern era to the Goryeo period, where she encounters Wang So, portrayed by Lee Joon Gi, a brooding prince with a troubled past. Their love story unfolds as a heart-wrenching and bittersweet journey, marked by an intense, unbreakable bond which is repeatedly tested by the harsh demands of duty and responsibility. Hae Soo and Wang So’s story is a rollercoaster of dramatic highs, tear-jerking lows, and a lot of ‘Why can’t we just be together?’ moments. With all the passion, drama, and angst you could dream of, ‘Scarlet Heart: Ryeo’ is the kind of show that has fans still clutching their hearts and wondering how to let go of this unforgettable ride.